Strengthening Reporting on the Ocean in the Pacific
Strengthening Ocean Reporting in the Pacific
Virtual Ocean Media Workshop and Story Grants for Pacific Island Journalists
March 28, 31 and April 4, 2022
1:00PM – 2:30 PM (Fiji Time UTC +12)
Are you a Pacific storyteller? Join us for three 90 minute sessions to:
Learn best practices on covering ocean stories
Connect with senior journalists, communicators, ocean experts, and peers across the Pacific region
Attendees will be invited to pitch their idea for story grants following the workshop.
To RSVP, please email:
Makereta Komai at pacnews1@pina.com.fj AND
Donna Hoerder at dhoerder@internews.eu
and state why you should be considered for this workshop.
Through a virtual media workshop and story grants program, the Waitt Institute and Internews’ Earth Journalism Network will build the capacity of local journalists and media outlets to raise public awareness of need for marine protection and sustainable ocean management, as well as cultivate a sustainable network of Pacific Island journalists. It will give Pacific journalists the opportunity to investigate, produce, and disseminate accurate, reliable, and trusted information about the effects of climate change, IUU fishing and environmental degradation on the ocean as well as strategies for sustainable ocean management. It will also prepare journalists and media organizations to cover relevant upcoming events, in particular the Our Ocean Conference planned for April 2022 in Koror, Palau and the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal.
Virtual media workshop
Three 90-minute sessions designed to introduce journalists to ocean topics, hear directly from experts and provide skills training and mentorship from senior journalists experienced in covering ocean management. Participating journalists will be encouraged to produce stories following the workshop.
Story grants program
Following your participation in the workshop, you will be eligible to pitch a story idea on an ocean topic of your choice. If your pitch is selected, you will receive a story grant and one-on-one mentorship by a senior Pacific journalist.